Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ruska is the Queen of effin' Everything!


We have not been here in a while, because we were busy being on adventuuuures!!
Yes, yes, indeed!

We went on a vacation!
You better believe it!
On an actual, real vacation!
Mommy and Daddy went on a vacation to. To the Finland, where we used to live, you know. In the meantime, to not be home alone all the time, we went to a place called the catcave.
It is probably the best place on earth! The catcave is the place where Mommy's friend lives. The one who always came to feed us when we stayed at home during Mommy's and Daddy's vacation.
But she does not live there alone, no no!
She has cats, too.
Three boy cats. They are totally cool and awesome and not as boring and Ruska.
Also, I think they are my BFFs now. I think. I'm not sure. I hope.
I mean, they are my BFFs for sure! At least Joker is!

Ruska did not like the place all too much at first, so I pretended I didn't like it either.
Of course I loved it all the time, but I have to stay loyal with Ruska, you know?

But also Ruska started enjoying it. There is a lot of food and company. Not only cats, also a fishy, a living one, which is not food (Maurice told me he dropped into the fishtank once and it wasn't funny!) and also a weird longish thing. Like a very flat cat with very short legs... and with an armour instead of fur. Ruska looked into some books and came to the conclusion that it is actually a dragon with a beard. That is nonsense, dragons only exist in fairytales!

Oh well, that is how Ruska rolls. She has been telling a lot of stories during the past months. I believed all of them. I believed the one where she met Elvis Presley, cause it sounded plausible. Also the one where she flew her own little double-decker airplane (she told me it is red). And the one of how she fought a dinosaur and died, which is how she lost one of her nine lives.

Mommy then told me that all of that is made up, so Ruska could feel important.
I am in kind of a pickle there.
I think Mommy knows very much. Humans usually know more than cats. But Ruska is my very best sister-friend, why would she lie to me?
Mommy also said according to Ruska's stories cats must have some hundred lives, cause Ruska actually dies heroically in quite a lot of her stories.

But then again, Ruska, acoording to herself, is the queen of effin' everything, so I guess that is okay.

Here is Ruska I, Queen of effin' Everything
...she even has a crown.
Anyways, I was even a bit sad when Mommy and Daddy came to pick us up. For a second there, I thought we could stay at the catcave forever.
Ruska actually breathed into her paperbag and got a stress rash for the first 4 days there, cause she thought Mommy and Daddy do not love us anymore. But Ruska tends to be overly dramatic.

I think Mommy and Daddy enjoyed that we were at catcave. Especially cause I am so full of impressions and adventure that I completely forgot to pee on the floor lately.
Also, Joker told me that Luke sometimes pees on the floor and that he thinks that is totally stupid. Of course I needed to say that I find it totally stupid as well. What would he have thought of me?

Buuuut luckily Mommy and Daddy brought a lot of goodies, so it is not so bad being back home. I think Finland has better treats than Germany.

Look at them:

I like the funny-looking cats on the bags. And the treats are delicious! There are fishies and pillowsies.

Mommy and Daddy also brought new fur for the bed from Finland. But there was too little cat fur on it, so Ruska took care of that:

Actually, I think the fur thing might have been an excuse she used, so she would not have to admit that she missed Mommy and wanted to cuddle with her. With Ruska you never know.

Good night, humans!!
