Sunday, May 11, 2014

Many spaces!

Hello hoomans!

It's been a while. Many things happened, I was too busy processing all the information in my tiny, furry head, so I really didn't have a free head for blog postings. Phoebe said she wants to read the story of "How I met my humans".... my version, I mean. I don't know. Probably it would bore everyone. I'm not that good of a story teller, you know? I am better with being... well, fluffy and awesome.
Also, there are more important things happening!

A friend of Mommy's was here for some days. We could sleep next to her on the sofa, which was a bed, so that was fun. Then Mommy and Daddy both got very sick and didn't need to go to work and were lying on the sofa, which was also a bed then, so that was fun, too. We watched a lot of the TV with the weird people that talk weirdly and that kill each other and there are horses and a tiny guy and an asshole (sorry, I am not supposed to use that word), but the asshole (sorry) died and that was fun. It's about a throne, too, I think.

Then we watched a show with many hoomans who are sick and one hooman grim reaper who wants to heal them but then he doesn't, because he is grumpyhuman. He walks on a stick and he is what Mommy calls "sarcastic". I find him entertaining. He reminds me of myself. The show is about a house, too, if I got that right.

I also had some quality times with Mommy. We watched a show together that Phoebe and Daddy don't want to watch. There are humans having superabilities or something. There is one that can smell and see very good and one can make other humans do whatever she tells them too. I'd like to have that skill, it would solve the food problem for good. There is also a guy who is weird. Mommy says he is weird because he has a psychological thing called autism and that is veryvery hard to act that and that the human who acts it is really good. She wants to marry him, too, I think.

Phoebe was peeing much again. The other day she peed on all of Mommy's bags at once. Mommy told Daddy she would give Phoebe away and she cried and seemed serious. But later she was hugging and cuddling Phoebe and said she would never give her away, even if she peed on everything.

I had the feeling Phoebe was a little unhappy. I don't know why, but she wasn't purring much. I mean, she is never purring very much, I am the famous diesel engine in this household, but still. She was like not purring at all. She seems happier now, because (and that was supposed to be the actual content of this blog post) things changed very muchy.

Some days ago Daddy and Mommy carried big pieces of wood to the flat. It was exhausting I think. We had to wait in the kitchen so we only heard them cursing and then there were pieces of wood, so I did the math.
They wanted to build a box out of it... or something. But they couldn't cause something was missing.
But then they finally started building it and on Friday and yesterday they were building a lot. Mommy got a small breakdown because of the chaos. I think she might be allergic to chaos. I should take her to the grim reaper soonish. Daddy said it's because she realizes we live here now and won't go back to the old place anytime soon. I don't know. They carried much more stuff yesterday while we were waiting in the kitchen once again. This time from the flat to out of the flat.
And then when it was very late already the bedroom was there!! There was something reminding me of a bedroom before when we were allowed to take a look every now and then, but now it is a real one! There is many spaces and no chaos and the door is always open for kittycat inspection. I very much like this. Mommy put a pillow and a towel on the window sill and Phoebe sleeps there all the time and loves it and she is purring more than I have ever heard her purring.
Daddy says maybe she won't pee anymore now. I doubt it.
Now I will go back to lie on the bed for a while. Who knows, maybe they will take it away from us again some time soon.
Mommy and Daddy are watching the TV with the men trying to win against other men in some game. It's Russia and Finland right now and Mommy says Russians can't play fair and Finns can't play good at the moment and that she probably should forget about Finland and support Germany for this world cup, cause even they are a less lost case.


P.S. Happy Meowmmy's Day, Mommy!

The bedroom and our bed and the new box with the human furs!

Phoebe and me on our bed this morning.

Phoebe on the pillowbed on the window sill.

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