Saturday, June 28, 2014

Beefsteak? Beefsteak!


I love beefsteak!
Daddy bought us some beefsteak. He promised that some days ago and he did indeed. But of course there was a snag to it - we could have it for ourselves. He ate the biggest part. When I complained he told me that compared to our bodysize I ate a much bigger amount than him. Humans never understand! Humans are omnivores, you know? That means they eat everything. Cats are carnivores. That means we eat meat.
So logically, as humans eat everything, they need to eat a bit less of everything. We eat only meat, so there needs to be a big amount. That's obvious, isn't it?

Luckily we got other food than beefsteak, too. Just in case. There can't be enough food.
Apparently in our petfoodstore of trust there was a discount on out catfood of trust. Also, Daddy has to give away the very dangerous car soon. Which is good, cause cars are very dangerous. But it's also bad, cause without a car they can't bring as much catfood at once.
Today they did bring as much as fitted in the car...probably. It was a castle of food! Literally.

Told you. A castle.

Daddy and Mommy bought new ringelingthings, too.
Daddy's is a whole new one, like very different from the old one. Mommy's is a bit similar to the old one.
Phoebe and me tried to talk them into buying us ringelingthings as well. I heard people need ringelingthings in case of emergencies. So if they die or have some other emergencies, they can ringeling to someone and be rescued. I need that.
Mommy said, if I had a ringelingthing for emergencies, I'd call her every 2 minutes soon as the foodbowl is empty. Well, duh! That's the definition isn't it? "For emergencies." Humans are weird indeed.

Here is Mommy's ringelingthing.

Daddy can take pretty pictures with his ringelingthing! He can chose that only some colors show in the picture and some don't. He took a picture of me and I need to say, I find myself exceptionally eye-pleasing in this one.

Look at me:

Did you look?
Ain't i gorgeous?

So long, hoomans!


Monday, June 23, 2014

Am I nuts?

Mommy thinks I'm nuts.
It's official.

But I am very normal, really. It's just.... I needed to have a look at the paper that Mommy brought home from work. There were lots of foods listed in the paper and Mommy said she looks at it to decide what foods to eat at work during the week. Turns out, as Mommy got so weird to not eat meat anymore, there aren't that many choices. There's just one food without meat every day. So Mommy didn't really decide what to eat. She rather just looked at what she had to eat and was excited about it. The foods are good at her work, she says. So I wanted to taste and I started licking the paper.
The paper didn't taste like much. More like paper. But I like the taste of paper so I felt the need to squeak after every lick. Ääk. *lick* Ääk. *lick* Ääk. *lick* Ääk. *lick*
Mommy found that hopelessly amusing.
Then she said I am probably nuts.
I am not.

Because I didn't wanna be nuts, I went to the corner and started eating some wallpaper.
Mommy didn't find that quite as amusing.
In fact, she screamed at me. Can't humans ever decide what they want?
She also pointed at her eyes with her fingers and then pointed at me.
And she said she was watching me.

This is a bit how she looked like.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The thing with the ice cream...

I am highly upset.
I almost fell out of the window, cause Mommy was almost dying. Or something like that.
Mommy and Daddy were gone - once again. When they came back, they had ice cream.
Did I mention I LOVE ice cream?
They ate the ice cream by the open window, but Mommy's ice cream tried to kill her so she ran away and Daddy ran after her.
I took the chance to have a look. I stuck my nose out of the window. My front paws were on the sill outside, my back paws on the sill inside. I was perfectly fine. Phoebe started screaming that Mommy didn't want that and that Mommy told her that if we put our paws out of the window we will die.
Pffff and she says I am the scared cat?
Then Mommy came back and started to scream that I was gonna jump and die. Duuuuuuuuuuude.
Daddy shooed me off the window.

Mommy offered us some ice cream then. Did I mention I LOVE ice cream?
I was a bit suspicious, it tried to kill her after all.... but I wanted to try anyways.
I smelled it, but it didn't smell so nice. I am sure it wasn't even ice cream. Cause ice cream never smells bad. I love ice cream. Did I mention that?

Then she offered Phoebe the ice cream. Phoebe screamed something like "ICE CREAM OF DEATH!" but sniffed on it still.
She didn't dare to try it either. I don't know if it was because Mommy almost died of it or because it really didn't smell like ice cream.
It was cookies ice cream. And cherry-banana ice cream. I never tried cherry-banana but cookies are delicious. Still, I'm sure that wasn't ice cream. I miss the good Finnish ice cream.
It's called Jättis. It's my favourite and Phoebe's too.

Ice cream of death that isn't ice cream.

As Phoebe told you there was the thing wth the ball and the feet yesterday.
I really don't get the hype.
Mommy was screaming a lot.
She was talking about a Jogi and a Klose and about people being too slow and other people being too fast.
I don't think the blackwhiteredyellows won. They didn't lose either. How is that possible? I don't know.
I want ice cream.

It's MY blackredandyellow, only miiine!

Here's Phoebe being all model-like with the blackredandyellow.

- Ruskis

Saturday, June 21, 2014

So many worldcupz...

Hallo humans!!!

There is a worldcupz. Did you know that?
I mean....there was another one a while back with people dressed in blue and white and also other colors. But the blue and white ones were the best according to Mommy and Daddy. They are sliding around on fun white stuff or something like that and need to win something. The blue and white ones almost won, but not quite still.

Now there is green stuff instead of white stuff and the balls are much bigger.
It's called football, cause you kick the ball with the foot. I think. Daddy got a tiny football the other day and when he brought it home I tried to play with it. I kicked it with my paw. Pawball. But it was still too big, even though it is smaller than the worldcupz one and it kept rolling under my stomach and then I rolled over it and fell over.
Also, now the sticks are missing, cause they kick with the feet and they aren't so blue and white. I saw some blue and white ones and I cheered, but that was wrong apparently. I need to cheer for the ones with the white and black stuff.... and everything that is black, red and golden.
Mommy has a black, red and golden flag. It's lying on the floor. Other people have black red and golden flags on their cars. I saw them when looking outside from the window.

Mommy also has a necklace with black red and golden flowers. She put it on Ruska. Ruska didn't like it. Like really totally not.

Here is the unamused Ruska with Mommy and lots of white and black and black, red and gold.

Many other things happened, too. I went to the nice lady! It was a blast! I could drive with the red car that Daddy has. It's not his still, but I could drive with it.
The nice lady looked at me and at my pee. And she said that she really does not understand what is wrong with me. Hihi. That's because nothing is, probably. I feel fine.
Mommy said that maybe she needs to take me to the nice lady again and then the nice lady can look at my blood, too. And maybe she can then see what is wrong. I am not sure. I still feel fine.

Now I have to mentally prepare to look at the black and white humans kicking their footballs. Yes.
I promise I will write more often here again. Maybe. Or maybe not.
But Ruska will. Maybe. Or maybe not.

