Sunday, March 1, 2015

Mommy was gone, Daddy was here and Ruska is stupid...

Hello humans!

I finally get to write here again.
There wasn't many opportunities to do that before. Mommy was gone and then Ruska was sitting here and looking at how people love her. Agrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

But from the start: last week before the weekend Mommy left to work as always, but she took a huge bag with her.... and then she didn't come back from work as usually. Instead one of Daddy's friends moved in the next day. I was very scared that Mommy might not come back. I mean, she told me some cats have two Daddys and that's normal and okay. But I still prefer having a Mommy and a Daddy.
Luckily it turned out that Mommy wasn't gone forever. One day after he moved in, Daddy's friend moved out again and another day later Mommy came back! Turns out she was on a work trip with some colleaguefriends of hers. I know work trips, Daddy has been on some. I thought only Daddy's could go on work trips, but Ruska screamed something about gender equality, which I didn't get and... anyways, Mommy was back! The morning after she was back I had to jump into her bed to make sure she was still there. She was.

Then also Daddy was here.... more here than usually.
Usually Daddy is gone during the day. Like Mommy. That's what humans do. It is when they are at work. Ruska says it is our free time then. Because being here and being cute and being cat and being cuddly and fuzzy and warm and purry and funny and fluffy and adorable - that is our job. Which we get paid for in food. That is what Ruska says. So when Daddy was home and not at the work, because he was coughing a lot, Ruska was very annoyed, because she said we have to work over hours now and nobody is gonna pay us that. Oh well...
I don't really buy that "job" thing anyways... I mean, basically we are just playing and sleeping and eating all day. Well, Ruska is. I am just playing and sleeping. So I don't care if Daddy is home during that time or not.

But Ruska is stupid anyways. On Saturday morning she teased me with how much cuter she was than me and how much more people liked her and she would show me. Then she jumped onto the bed and rolled around on Mommy's belly and then she turned on her back and looked at Mommy with huge eyes and Mommy giggled and took a photo. Then Mommy put the photo onto the Facebook and a bunch of people started liking it. Ruska then spent almost one full day at the machine here to look at the Facebook and count the likes she got for her picture.
And every now and then she looked at me and smirked very meanly.

It is just not fair. I am actually much cuter than Ruska.
I just need to do something about that fur of mine. It is way too black.
It is so black that when I try to look cute in a picture you usually do not see my eyes and then I look like a black blob and not cute.

Here is Ruska pretending to be ohsocute.
She really is not actually that cute.
It's all Instagram filters.
There I said it.


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