Thursday, May 14, 2015

Phoebe and the seasonal peeing!

*hits machine with paw*
This... doesn't... wo- oh, see now it works!
I am afraid we need to move our blog soon, because this page refuses to work properly.


Hello hoomans!

Yes, indeed, it is me: Ruska! Of course you all remember me, you're my biggest fans after all and Phoebe is just my boring sidekick, right? Nah, I was just kidding of course. Or was I? He... hehe... he.

Anymeow... Phoebe can't write anything at the moment because she is in mourning.
Of course once again she caused her sorrow herself.
You see, Phoebe started the peeing again some weeks ago. Not quite as frequently as before, but still. Nobody really knows why she does that... still. Mommy said that most humans think cats pee places (other than the litter box) when they are sick or sad. Like sad about the home they live in or something. Already last year Mommy and Daddy took Phoebe to the nice lady to have her and her pee checked, but all was fine. So I assumed she must be sad and sat her down for a cat-to-cat talk. After all, you might not know it, I was a cat psychologist once.
Phoebe said she wasn't sad at all. In fact, she insists she is very happy. She likes her food, even though I eat most of it, she likes Mommy and Daddy and her toys and her cuddlybed. The only thing, she said, that could be better is that Mommy and Daddy should get 20 more cats and 5 dogs for her to play with. I hereby announce that I strongly, I repeat: STRONGLY, disagree with that.
Anymeow... Phoebe said that during the last months she just didn't feel like peeing anymore. Now she does again. Severe case of seasonal peeing, I diagnose. ... OF COURSE THAT'S A THING! I got a proof right here! Phoebe!

The seasonal peeing has gotten Phoebe into her current misery.
Phoebe's favourite place is on the kitchen windowsill. Especially in the evenings when the sun shines there. Mommy has put some comfy blankets there, so Phoebe doesn't need to sleep on the cold stone sill. Occasionally, Phoebe throws the blanket down. Accidentally. As happened last night. So earlier she was sneaking around it and whining for Mommy to lift it back up on the sill. Mommy did - and started to curse and threw the blankets on the laundry pile. It appears Phoebe had peed over them. Now Phoebe is very very sad because she has no comfy blankets in the kitchen anymore. This happened before quite many times with cuddlybed and toys and other things. Phoebe just never learns.

Phoebe has been rather weird lately anyways. She suddenly became quite the cuddle cat. I am sure she just does it to toady up to Mommy and Daddy and have them love her more than me. I am still the cuter and more authentic cuddle cat, though.
But it seems to work on Mommy to some extend. She is always exceptionally delighted when Phoebe comes to cuddle her.

Now I need to go and check if Mommy has filled up the food bowls. I'm staaaarving.

Take care, fans!


Here is Phoebe cuddling Mommy...


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