Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello humans,

lately we have been rather busy watching the sport with the ice.
You know, I have mentioned it before. The stuff is called ice hockey and we are big fans.

Ruska actually keeps telling how she used to be a big ice hockey star herself.
She had four tiny little ice skates and on one of the front skates there was the ice hockey stick and then she was playing and winning all the games, cause the other players were all humans and Ruska could skate through their legs and nobody saw or could stop her.
I am not entirely sure if I should believe her. She tends to tell those kinda stories.

Anyways, today is Mother's Day!
That is special.
I don't really remember my real cat mother.
And I have never been a Mommy myself.
Ruska is a Mommy, but I doubt she can remember her babies very much, She does not like to admit it, but every time I ask her to tell me about them she has some excuse.

But luckily we both have our human Mommy!
We made this picture for her (and for all other cat Mommys out there. Note: The poem is NOT written by us!!!)

Bye humans!


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