Friday, July 11, 2014

I don't like trees.

Hello humans!

Still not much beefsteak in sight. We got some pudding though. That's something, right?
I mean, it's real pudding only for cats. Humans can't eat it. Cats can. Mommy says that it is really extremely super unhealthy, but once in a while we should be allowed to eat a little bit of unhealthy.
I wonder if beefsteak is unhealthy?
I mean, it must be, because we get it so rarely. Then again, Mommy once said that beefsteak is very good for cats. That does not make any sense at all!

More news: the horrible car is gone! JACKPOT!
I totally got around sitting in it even. That's good.
Phoebe is sad about the car being gone.... she is worried she might not be able to ever go to the grim reeper again. What's the heck is wrong with that little lunatic?
Why would she even....?
Oh, nevermind.

Also.... the ballthing is still going on much.
It appears the blackredyellow ones that everyone who lives here has to find awesome are doing pretty well. I heard people say that they will be the master of the world. Or something like that.
Anyways, I think that's something special. Not everyone can be master of the world. What a title. If there was a master of the cat world, that would be me.

Mommy's arm looks funny, too. She sticks gluey things onto it and say they will heal it. Or something. She can't really move it cause she fell off a tree. Or something.
Now she is looking over my shoulder and tells me I am not supposed to write that she fell off a tree, because that is how rumors are started according to her.
Well, she did say something with trees and falling, so that must be it. What more options can there be?
Anyways, I never liked trees. When I was still and outside cat I made a hhhuuuge circle around them. Some of my friends climbed at them. One got stuck once. Humans had to come with portable stairs and help him down. Ahhh, good old times!
But trees, really, no thanks!

Mommy also got herself some new fur.
You know how humans feel the need to continuously change their fur. In the morning, in the evening, depending on the weather or what they plan on doing.... so complicated.
But I like the new fur Mommy bought today. It's evening fur. The back legs have cats on the knees and on the belly there is a Polaroid photo of three cats with some hashtags under them. So basically, the fur looks much like me and our blog. Mommy said it reminded her of me, so she bought it. That's so cute.

Goodbye, humans!

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