Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My excursion to explore the world......

...ended in the hallway.
Well, it was worth a try. The door to the outside-of-the-flat was open for a loooong time today. There was a funny looking man with a box. I could not climb into the box and neither sniff on the man's shoes, cause Mommy took me on her arms. But later she let me down and the door was open. Mommy stood next to it, but I thought, maybe she wouldn't notice... I inspected the situation for a looong time and then I took some steps into open-door-direction. Mommy noticed.... she looked at me. I looked back at her. She kept looking. I kept looking, too, and took some more steps, while looking. She still looked and asked what I thought I was doing. Well, exploring? Mommy won the staring contest eventually. And then she threw Mr. Sqwiwwel. How am I supposed to concentrate on looking at her with my biiiiiiiiiiiiig puppy- ... erm... kitty eyes, when she is throwing sqwiwwels? Unfaaaaair!

The man left and Mommy went with him and then they came back and Mommy was annoyed. The man should have brought a ringelingthing that is connected to the wall and the worlds wides webz to this machine. But he didn't... because there were cables missing. Mommy called some people and some people called Mommy and maybe someone will fix it. Or not.

The other day, I observed something interesting. Mommy and Daddy sat in the box in which out litter boxes are usually and there was water and above the water, there was funny white stuff! But another one than the cold one that was lying on the ground outside our old home. (I think that one might not exist here, at least I have not seen it anywhere yet.) I was standing on the little chair next to the litter boxes-box and looked at it. It smelled funny. Mommy said it smelled like Japanese cherry blossoms. I don't know what Japanese cherry blossoms are, so I can't say if that is true. But it did smell funny. I wanted to try to play in it, but the water under it reminded me too much of the kitchensink-incident so I didn't.

Now I need to go watch the TV show with singing hoomans. Some of them can sing and some of them can't. And then there are two men and two women who tell them if they can or if they can't. Sometimes they say "You can't sing, but you have a nice ass, you can go to the recall." or something... and then Mommy screams at them, that it is supposed about talent, not boobies and asses.... Ruska says that's dirty language. Also the the women in the show are always getting pissed about boobies and asses. Probably boobies and asses are a bad thing. I have neither boobies nor asses... I think so at least.
I can't sing either. But I am very cute, so maybe I should try my luck there.
Se Deutschland is suching se super Phoebe. Or something. Yes.


-Germany's Super Phoebe

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