Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ruska the bread-thief!

Hello humans.

I am slightly confused. Mommy might have a split personality. She can't decide whose side to be on. Mine or Ruska's.
So while Ruska was whining about the food situation and making plans on how to escape or not, cause it's to scary, I enjoy it more and more. Finally enough food and Ruska is not stealing it from me. That's awesome. Today Ruska was especially whiny about not having food when she wanted to have food, so when Mommy left to buy groceries, Ruska started to look for food on her own. She was sniffing around on the kitchen counter, where we are not supposed to be. As she always tells me what not to do, I told her that she should come down, cause Mommy would be angry if she found her up there. But as Mommy was not home, Ruska did not care. Then she stuck her nose into the bag with the bread and pulled a piece of the bread out. She knows herself how she is not supposed to eat human food and how cats should not eat bread because it's useless for our nutrition. She always brags about how she knows that and all, you know?
She took the piece, jumped off the counter and began to eat it. I told her to stop and that she would get into very big trouble. She just laughed and said that Mommy would think it was me anyways, as I am always doing the bad things. That's not fair. When Mommy came home I was very scared that I would get into trouble. After all, Ruska is right, usually it is me doing something stupid.
Ruska walked past me and smirked very self-assured. Then Mommy started screaming cause she saw the half-eaten piece of bread on the kitchen floor. She turned to me and asked if it was me. Usually, when I did something wrong, I run away and hide until she is not so very angry anymore. But I was innocent this time so I just looked at her with the most innocent huge eyes I managed to make. She then turned to Ruska and Ruska suddenly wasn't smirky anymore at all. She almost hyperventilated and looked at Mommy with huge panic-filled eyes. Even I am not that obvious when I am guilty of something. Also, Mommy found some white fur on the bread, so she knew for sure it was Ruska.

She said we wouldn't get any lunch now and I was very afraid.... I was hungry and innocent and it would not be fair to deny me my lunch, just cause Ruska did something bad. But Mommy realized quite quickly that she faced the risk of Ruska stealing more food, so we got our lunch. When Ruska left (obviously her belly was full of bread) with the  bowl half full and I was still hungry after I emptied mine, I again ate a bit of Ruska's food. Mommy shooed me away, like she usually did with Ruska. She never shooed me away from food, cause I never eat too much. But today I did apparently and she said one chubby cat in the household is enough. Hmm.


Crime victim: bread.

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