Monday, March 3, 2014

Phoebe's Food Paradox

Hello humans!

I know, it has been a while again... it is not easy lately. Mommy's head is full of not having a job. That is funny in a way, cause if you don't have something, how can your head be full of it? My head is never full of food, cause there is never enough of it... for example.
Anyways, because her head is full she spends more and more time on the machine. Looking for works or playing games on Facebook or reading in forums or watching some humans in red uniforms that can fly and help other humans. It is hard to find a time to write something for me and Phoebe. Mommy was even at a point talking about not letting us write anything anymore at all, cause she said that not many people are reading anymore and it would all be in vain. And that she needs the machine for other things. IT'S MADNESS! I tried to explain to her, that she should instead give us food more often. She said those two things are not related. Nonsense, everyone knows that food is the answer to everything.

The food situation has become critical.
Sometimes it takes many hours before we get more food. Mommy says, that is only because we eat much faster than we used to. Excuses. I came up with a brilliant idea... I am eating the food from Phoebe's bowl when nobody notices, after she left it. When she is coming back, she will find her bowl empty, and because she is believing in the good of everything, everyone and everycat she doesn't suspect it was me, but thinks she ate it herself and just forgot about it. Because she knows that she should only eat from her own bowl, she won't touch mine either. So I can come later and take my time to eat my own portion. Brilliant, isn't it?
What? What do you mean "that's evil"? One has to survive somehow in this cruel world! What would you do?
Well, sadly enough, Mommy got behind my brilliant trick and now she keeps shooing me away from Phoebe's bowl every time she sees me eating from it. That's unfortunate.

I really wish I was a human. They can eat whenever and whatever they want. Even cheese!
Mommy and Daddy were talking about burgers a lot on the weekend. I don't quite know exactly what a burger is, but the way they talked about it sounded like it is the best thing ever. Yesterday they went for burgers, because Mommy's friend from Finland was visiting. She is staying in Frankfurt as well, but without cats and not as long as we. She was nice. I slept next to her.
Anymeow, they went for burgers and I told them I wanted to join. As loud as I could.
Then Mommy indeed said, that I could have some too! I got excited! As you know, that happens rarely, but I really wanted to taste the burger thing! Burgers have cheese sometimes, you know? That's what Phoebe said. I don't know how she knows but it sounds about right. As burgers are awesome and so is cheese.
She went to the kitchen and filled food into our bowls and gave us a treat with chicken and cheese (yes, they sell that, wheee!) each. I waited next to the door while Phoebe ate her food and was all excited about the yummy treat. Then they left. I was still next to the door. They forgot me! Can you believe that?
Phoebe said, that Mommy didn't mean we could have burgers, too, but she meant the treats with the cheese. Well, that can't be right!? I think they just forgot me. I'm deeply hurt. Well, maybe next time.

I found out about another weird thing humans do. At least here, not in Finland though.
This time of the year they dress up as something they are not and then they have fun. They all it carnival. Yeah, as I said, weird.
Phoebe got incredibly excited of course and wanted to do a carnival as well. Ugh, god, no. She always wanted to be a dragon, so she dressed up as a dragon. I didn't want to dress up. Phoebe said I shouldn't be a party pooper. So I put on my crown and said I was a queen. Phoebe was happy. Not that my crown would be a costume, I am awesome, it is part of my normal accessories. But what does that little black kitten know?

This is our costumes.


Rest in Peace, little Pounci!
Too bad we didn't have the chance to get to know you...
Our Granny will take care of you now.
Hugs to your Mommy and sister Misto!
-Phoebe & Ruska & Mommy

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