Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Drain Disaster

It appears our flat is broken.
Or something like that. At least something is very wrong with it.
I guess it's a conspiracy and probably also has to do with the cat food.

Lately when Mommy is washing our food bowls and human food bowls it starts smelling really weird. But not in the kitchen, where she is washing them, but in the litterboxroom! That's odd. Maybe ghosts? The ghosts of the lost cat food? I don't know.
The more she washes, the more it smells. And dirty water is flooding into the tub where our litterboxes are in. I though humans wash things so they smell better... I don't know. Mommy seems to be annoyed by it, Daddy too. They say it has to do with something called drains. And with the old house that our flat is in.
Yesterday Mommy bought a bottle of dangerous stuff. They said when you put it into those drains then there is no water getting stuck. Mommy wore a dish cloth in front of her nose and mouth and pink rubber gloves and she did something in the litterboxroom and we weren't allowed to go there. Our one litterbox is in the hallway. She went in there many times and did things many times. But it still didn't fix it, apparently. Today she used the dangerous stuff in the kitchen, after they had opened the space under the litterboxtub and looked at the drains. Mommy stuffed the black thing into the hole in the litterboxtub, that keeps the water from getting out. Turns out, this way it keeps the water from getting IN and also the bad smell away. She says the problem is solved now. I'm not sure if that is really true, but she is happy.

Mommy is also baking much lately. She comes up with her own recipes and makes muffins. They smell freaking delicious! I don't get any, of course. It's not fair. Today she asked Daddy what muffins she should make. I stood next to them and told her to make cat food muffins. She ignored me and kept asking Daddy what muffins she should make. GOSH, humans are impossible. As my escaping plans are on ice right now, maybe I should get started on catfoodmuffinplans. I watched Mommy making muffins, it can't be too hard. I just put cat food into the moulds and put it to the oven.

Mommy and I have a new game, too.
I realized the thread she uses to clean her teeth is exceptionally interesting. I try to catch it when she holds it. I need to stand up for that and apparently I look very cute when I do that. I can imagine. I am a cute cat.

Unfortunately I am too fast for Mommy's slow mobile camera.
But you get the idea.


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