Thursday, December 5, 2013

A thing with many tiny holes!


Things keep being weird around here... some days ago Mommy put a weird looking thing on the human sideways catflap! I never paid closer attention to it, but today I took a closer look. Well, okay, yes, I tried to get it down from there... but only to get a better view, you know?
Mommy got angry for some reason... she usually gets when I try to get a better view of things. Especially when those things are on her table or the shelves. Or on the human sideways catflaps! She also always puts a nice blanket there and I take it down when I am cold. Then she tells me to stop sleeping on her... "towel". What's a towel? A fancy human word for blanket? Probably.

Anyways, she screamed at me to get off the shelf and keep my nosy paws off her... "advent calender". Really, humans, who comes up with those weird words? I kept staring at it, so she tried to explain. You rip little holes into it and there is some treat behind it. And then the time goes faster. Or something... and that I can't have it. She also pointed at one of the closed holes and says Daddy will come back when it is open. YAY! Maybe I should try to open it, so he comes faster?

Mommy might be going crazy as well, I caught her talking to this machine. She said "Yeah, right, 5 years work experience, fuck you, too!"... Ruska said that is dirty human language and I must never say 'fuck'. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Hiiiiiiihihihihihii. Humans seem to be talking about that work thing a lot. It must be something amazing, cause they all want it! Mommy was all eager to pick the best piece of a work for her. But some of them, other humans have picked already and then there are again other humans who tell if a human is allowed to pick a work. That is all so complicated.
Then Mommy explained, that if she has a work, that means that she can buy me the yummiest food! I don't get the connection, but a work must be a great thing, that's for sure.

Otherwise it is boring here... no sign of the big adventure that is apparently so very close. I got ready, just in case. But Mommy was just laughing at me.

Look how ready I am!

Have fun tearing holes into your 'advent calenders', humans!


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