Friday, December 20, 2013


Hi there!

Today Daddy must come back, because Mommy was deviling. As she said last time, he comes after the next deviling. It is very late already and he isn't here yet. I hope he still comes. He sent a parcel that arrived today. There was a stuffed sqwiwwel for us to play with in there, yaaay!


Ruska does not care about the sqwiwwel. She is traumatized for life, she says. Mommy didn't leave the bedroom open when she was deviling and the kitchen was closed as well, so Ruska won't jump on the counter. Ruska was rushing out of the living room as always when Mommy devils. To the left - bedroom door closed. To the right - kitchen door closed. Then back to the sofa room. And out again. It cracked me up so badly. I don't particularly like the devil either, but she really does exaggerate. She was heavily breathing still 10 minutes later and said she needed a paperbag to breathe into. Strange.

She also threw over the litter box today. I cracked up even more. Mommy had washed the litter boxes and put the lid off the one that has a lid usually. Ruska was stepping on the side of the litter box and it flipped over and litter was all over the freshly deviled bathroom. Mommy got angry of course. She had to fill the litter back into the box and she said she would love to lock Ruska in the sofa room together with the devil for a while as a revenge. But she didn't. She said again that Ruska is obviously too fat, though.

Mommy baked cake today. t took very long and seemed to be very exhausting. She made weird things with one of the two cakes. Then she looked at it for a long time without saying anything. Then she laughed very loudly and said "Now that is the ugliest piece of shit I have ever seen."...
Too bad she didn't allow me to post a picture. After the party tomorrow I can, she said.

Yesterday Mommy was gone almost all day. Early in the morning she started putting things into her headfur and then threw some of them around because they didn't do what she wanted to. But in the end her headfur looked very pretty and then she left because she said she needed to graduate.... whatever that means.
When she came back in the late evening she had some papers and flowers. But she brought them to the bedroom so I could not have a closer look. I want to graduate too, if I can get flowers to play with then. What do I have to do for that?

- Pheebs

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