Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Catastrophoebe and the drama...

Phoebe is crying again. She also tries to work the ringelingthing and call an animal shelter to be picked up and brought to a new home. Puberty really is as bad as they say... luckily my little ones are out of the house already, I really don't even want to start imagining this theater sixfold. Ugh! Usually I don't care much about the trouble of Phoebe and Mommy, but I guess today Phoebe went too far for real.
Mommy was looking for something in Daddy's closet... I think a certain towel or blanket... and Phoebe used the time to jump on the boxes in the bedroom. Mommy has put the empty one away, so we won't try to play in it. Now, I don't know how Phoebe managed, because I figured the boxes are very heavy with all the stuff, but she dropped one of them to the floor accidentally. It was very, very loud. I think Phoebe was lucky she didn't get under it, because she would be flat as a pancake now.
Mommy came and screamed a lot. And then screamed even louder when she saw that there were glasses drawn on the box that dropped and it said "Very fragile!!!" ... she opened the box and took things out that were wrapped in lots and lots of paper and she was screaming and cursing and crying and screaming and telling very many very bad things she would do to Phoebe. She unpacked all of the things and turned them around and then sighed, because none were actually broken. She said it is a miracle and that Phoebe is a lucky bastard, because she might not have to kill her now. I would have killed Phoebe as well, there were our spare foodbowls in the box, what if they would have broken? Then she wrapped everything back into the paper and put it into the box. It took a long time. Phoebe was nowhere to be seen.
Mommy had just stopped crying and screaming, sighed, put the box back, carried me out of the bedroom, closed it and went back to Daddy's closet........ and she started screaming again. When running to the bedroom she had left it open by accident and Phoebe had used the time to have a look... again. Almost everything was thrown out of the lower shelves. Mommy screamed and tried to catch Phoebe and I already wanted to get popcorn, because I was sure THIS is the moment when Mommy actually will nail her to the wall on her ears! But Phoebe got away and ran straight into our villa.
Mommy couldn't get her out, so she went to the kitchen (still screaming) and took scissors and started cut the villa's roof open over Phoebe's head. Phoebe screamed for help and said Mommy was gonna kill her. Then she fled into the kitchen. But Mommy didn't run after her anymore, she kept taking the villa apart while screaming that she would have left it for us until Monday, but if Phoebe can't behave there must be some kind of punishment and if Phoebe will do ANYTHING anymore before the scary adventure the next thing she will take down is the climbyscratchthing. She also told us about the catwalk she wants to make for us in Frankfurt some days ago. Many empty shelves on the walls on which we can jump and climb, so there is more space for us to play. But now Mommy said she won't make that one either. It sounds exhausting anyways, so I don't care, but Phoebe was extremely excited and cried even more when Mommy said she was not giving her one.
I don't care about the villa either, every time I go in there I get stuck in the door and Mommy laughs at me, so nothing missing there. But the climbyscratchthing is nice, I would be angry if Mommy takes it away earlier than necessary because of Phoebe.

Mommy later said to me she would rename Phoebe to "Catastropheebs"... I find it funny. There is "cat" in the word and "catastrophe" and "Pheebs".... so it fits very well. I will never call her with any other name. Hihi.

Mommy had also made a new picture with comic versions of us. This time with different facial expressions.... I don't like to admit it, but she got pretty close!

There you go.

Also, don't forget to like us on Facebook so Phoebe won't start crying even more. It really hurts my ears already.


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