Sunday, December 8, 2013

Exhausting wait for adventure...


Guess what? Yeah, there is still no adventure in sight. Just boring routine. Except the fact that Mommy starts going nuts, I am a bit worried about her mental health. She is really, really short tempered lately. I only need to look at places I am not allowed at, thinking if I should maybe risk to maybe go there... a little... - and she would already start screaming at me! She threatens me a lot as well.... once she said she was gonna nail me to the wall on my ears. And another time she said she was gonna throw me out of the window.
She also keeps asking what is wrong with me and if I want her to go crazy. I really don't... I think. Even though crazy is fun. Yes, okay, I admit, I might be a bit more energetic than usually, but that is only because I can already smell the adventure and who is supposed to sit still in such excitement?

Like for example there is this funny green blanket in the litterboxroom. The other day, I was thinking it would be nice to see what is on the other side of it, so I started climbing up. It was all going perfectly well, Mommy was sleeping, Ruska was sleeping, nobody noticed and I was sure I would be back down before they would see me.... but something went wrong and the blanket fell down. I did, too. I landed in the litter box and hurt my butt, because my paws were still tightly holding on to the blanket and I could not get them sorted out fast enough. There was some thing on the other side of the curtain that also fell down and that made a lot of noise. Ruska came to see what I was doing and she told me I was probably "in ankle-deep shit"... no, I wasn't, the litter box was perfectly clean.
It didn't take more then a second for Mommy to come rushing out of the room with our bed in it. She looked tired and very, very, VERY angry. In fact, I can't remember the last time she screamed at me that loud. I quickly ran to hide on top of the climbyscratchthing, but she found me there and kept screaming that I was a bad cat and that I finally should stop trying to put my nose into all things that don't concern me and just behave like a normal cat does. I almost cried. But the next day she gave me food and cuddled me, smiled and said I am a cute little catastrophe. That's probably a compliment. But really, who could be angry at me for long?

Yesterday another human girl came, Mommy said her name was "Auntie". Mommy and Auntie made a lot of things that smelled very, very good and Ruska and me wanted some as well, but they ignored us!
There were a lot of different meats and everything, but we didn't get anything! Not a bit! Mommy even teased us with it, look!

We thought we could have it, but then she ate it herself!

Even though later, when Ruska had left, they ate something else, that did not smell as good, but nice as well, and Mommy gave me some "mashed potatoes" to lick off her finger. That was very yummy. And Ruska didn't get any.... that's my revenge, because Ruska told me she got a bit of something called "Creme Brulee" some days ago, when I was not around.

The also had something sweet smelling to eat and they left it on the sofa when Auntie left. So I went there to have a bite. I mean, it was right there! In front of me. I was sure they had left it for us to eat! Ruska was watching me from the climbyscratchthing and had this awkward smirk on her face. I soon understood why, because apparently I got something wrong once again.... the sweet stuff was not for us and Mommy got very angry again. She said "We don't even start with that, do you get me, Miss?" and held me in the fur of my neck, like my real Mommy did when I was a baby. I don't know what she meant, why would she put it there for us, if we can't have it?

Today I was hanging out in the kitchen, and as Mommy wasn't near, I thought I could jump up on the shelves for a change.... there was a hole in them and it sparkled so nicely in there, so I really needed to catch the sparkles. Somehow I lost my balance and landed in the hole. AND I ALMOST DIED! It was very, very, very strange... all cold and wet and I felt like my toy mouse must have felt that one time when I threw her into our drinking bowl. I ran away very quickly and I kept sliding, cause my paws were wet. I was also sure Mommy would scream again, cause I am not allowed on the kitchen shelves. But instead of screaming she started laughing.Very loud and very long. Ruska laughed as well. When Mommy stopped laughing she said that that is what one gets for not obeying the simplest rules.I bet she put the wet stuff into the hole on purpose. It was a trap!

So much to the smaller events of the last days.... I am really getting impatient concerning the big adventure. Mommy does not. She rather seems to get more sad. I don't know if it is because there are some more holes to rip into the advent calender before Daddy comes or if it is something else. She said quite often that she would rather just stay here. I hope she won't! You can't promise me adventure and then cancel it. And it would not be fun to go on an adventure without her. Who would scream at me then?

Tonight we will watch a movie. Mommy said I can choose. Yesterday they watched something with a talking cat that looks like me and has a personality like a mix of me and Ruska. His name was Jiji. I would like to meet him!

Ruska watching the movie of Jiji. His Mommy Kiki can fly!


P.S. Here is a random funny picture of Ruska.


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