Monday, December 9, 2013


I will get back at Phoebe for posting this embarrassing picture of me. That's for sure.
Maybe also at Mommy, because she took the picture.

I am annoyed. I slept horribly and that is all Phoebe's fault! Yesterday she told me she needed a toilet but didn't feel like going to the litterboxroom. I told her she should better go, I know how angry Mommy gets if Phoebe does her business someplace else. Still Phoebe found it funny to use the snugglybed instead. I usually sleep in there, she does, too, sometimes. I told her that was bad, but she said it was her snugglybed anyways and she could do whatever with it. Even pee in it if she felt like it. That is NOT fair! She didn't even want the snugglybed in the first place! She was wondering "what kind of crap" Mommy had given her for her birthday. I started to like the snugglybed and sleep in it. And then she started, too, because she always copies what I do.
At first I thought Mommy might not notice. I ran around the bed and complained, because I am sure as hell not sleeping in Phoebe's pee. After a while Mommy noticed a weird smell in the living room and stuck her nose into our snugglybed. And she screamed very loudly once again. Luckily not at me, cause she knows who is guilty if there is pee somewhere else than in the litter box. Then she took the snugglybed away and said she wasn't sure if it was ruined for good and that we would never get one again if it was, because it was very expensive and she doesn't like the idea of giving us expensive things when we just pee on them. We? WE? I didn't do anything!

I kept complaining a little, cause I wanted my snugglybed back! She told me, if I never get it back I can thank Phoebe for that, but that she would try to rescue it. Later in the evening I saw it in the castleroom, where Mommy and Daddy keep a part of their human furs. I could not reach it and it stayed there all night. I had to sleep on the sofa and it was moist and smelled weirdly, because Mommy had sprayed some stuff there to get rid of the pee-smell.

This morning, luckily, Mommy put the bed back on the sofa... it does not smell like Phoe-pee anymore, but like flowers and spring. I haven't dared to lie in there yet, though, I don't trust the situation. And Mommy sticks her nose into it every time she comes to the sofaroom. Weird.

Also, yesterday Mommy told she was going to buy boxes today! Many boxes! I was a bit excited, because boxes are amazing. But then she said we could not get them. WHAT?

I was just cleaning myself when she told me the boxes were not for us.
I got such a big shock, I forgot what I was doing.

Today she was gone, but when she came back she didn't have any boxes! She lied to me! She just had something huge and she looked a little bit retarded, because the huge thing was huger than her. Almost.
She had the ringelingthing with her, so I could not take a photo. But I tried to draw how she looked like.

Mommy with the huge thing....
Artist: Ruska

She also brought a blanket for on top of our bed. She says it helps that there won't be so much of our hair on it. What's wrong with our hair? But I like the blanket. It is much better than the one that was there before. It had a hole and Mommy said it belongs under the big blanket not on top of it.

I asked Mommy to take a pretty picture of me on the nice new blanket.
Totally suits my fur, doesn't it?

But I really wonder where those boxes are that she pomised!?


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