Sunday, December 15, 2013

Box-Mommy and some small mishaps...

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, clumsy little Phoebe. Stupid. Clumsy. Stupid.

Ruska was right at first... Mommy didn't keep the bedroom shut after my little incident the other day. Only when she is not home it is closed, but when she is home it is open. But of course I can't keep my nosy paws off anything, so I messed up yet again. I was curious if the one box up there on the other ones was empty, as Ruska told me. So I wanted to take a look. Only look. With my eyes, not my paws It would have probably worked, but I have this talent for falling down from things... with things. I just tried to climb into the empty box on top of the full boxes in the bedroom... but somehow, while climbing in, I lost my balance and I tumbled and the box tumbled and we both landed on the ground. It made a lot of noise. I told it to shush but it didn't listen. And then Mommy came. Oh no. She gave us a very long speech about how this just can not continue like that and if the temptation is too big and we are unable to keep our paws off the box then we just can't go in the bedroom at all anymore, even if she is home. Ruska says she isn't angry, cause she still does not believe Mommy will go through with this. But I have one baaaad feeling, I can tell you. I think Mommy is pretty serious.

She is a genius, too. After she wiped around in the kitchen with water on devil's day, it is all very clean there, especially the shiny kitchen counters. Yesterday I walked around on them a little, when Mommy was not home. I couldn't go to the bedroom, so I had to find something else to do and checking out the kitchen counters seemed just fine. This time nothing could go wrong, I was very careful. I didn't drop anything and I knew, in case Mommy came home, I would hear her coming in and could just quickly jump down. Everything was under control. I was already long back down when Mommy showed up. She didn't suspect a thing. But then something strange happened, later in the evening. Mommy was cooking human food for herself and suddenly laughed and asked "So who of you two ladies were up on the kitchen counter?" WHAT? WHAT? I mean, HOW? I knew she has to be a witch!! Maybe some hair? But usually she would not need to ask who of you, as she can find that out by color and thickness of the hair. But then she checked out our paws and said it must have been me. WITCHCRAAAAAAAAAAFT!
Or maybe not, cause later on I saw this picture on her ringelingthing.


Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Dirty pawsies. Stupid pawsies.
Luckily she was too amazed about her detective skills to be really mean at me. She was just laughing and saying she was awesome. Pff.

But my hopes are growing, that Mommy might finally get behind the sense of boxes. In fact, I caught her playing in one herself. Saw it with my own cute plate-sized eyes. She looked frustrated and said she wanted to quit. I don't really get that, but look, she is playing in a box!

Mommy in a box!

Yesterday Mommy was happier than on the other days in the past weeks. She said she found the perfect Christmas gift for Daddy. She is very excited about it. Probably it is a box. Why else would she be SO excited? I got Christmas presents, too, once. I peed on half of them and broke the rest, so they aren't really around anymore. I wonder if I will get some again this year? She should stop buying boxes for Daddy but buy something for me instead. And Ruska. And the bear. I don't know the bear yet, but the bear is a friend of Mommy's in Germany. She said, maybe he will come for a visit when we live there. She also said, me and him combined would be close to a nuclear explosion. I don't get that. His name is Paule.
Hello, Paule, if you read this! *waves* Looking forward to meeting you!
So yes. Presents for me, Ruska, Paule and our adoptive brother Mikko should be first priority for Mommy right now!

Also, Mommy was happy because she said she is going to eat raw fish today! With the Auntie and some other aunties and uncles and also the auntiefriend of Mommy's that carried me to the nice lady's place! Raw fish. Sounds delicious. Am I invited?

-Yours, Phoebe (who wants a present...) (...and raw fish.)

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